photo by Filip Wolak. Color photo of Jerron dressed in black crouched in front of large windows streaming in NYC light. adjacent to a blue bench with text “I’d rather be sitting” across the back. His shadow cascades across the blond dance floor
Developed to celebrate the 29th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at The Whitney Museum of American Art, the vignetted evening-length piece looks at the symbols of protest and the multifaceted journey of resistance.
Centering architecture and bench by Shannon Finnegan.
Costumes by Gerald & Cynthia Herman
Featuring the art of Ezra & Noah Benus/The Brothers Sick, Ryan Hartley Smith, and Mike McManus.
Photo by Filip Wolak. Color photo of Jerron in silhouette, a white fabric floats from his fingertips as light bleeds from a screen partition behind him. He stands behind a blue wooden bench with text “I’d rather be sitting” across the back